Keith in portugal
Coates Walker
“I've had a life time of fascination with the printed image. In childhood it was comics, in particular "American Comics" as they were known as in the early Post War period. Soon after in the early 50's British comics started to improve and the Eagle comic was launched. This was a big break through in terms of graphic style, full color printing and stories about Space Travel which captured a young boy's imagination. Beyond childhood it was the illustrations and diagrams in technical and scientific magazines and Sci Fi novels that I found inspiring.
I studied Ceramics at Art College and during my time at the Royal College of Art I met Eduardo Paolozzi and on leaving college I became his personal assistant. The time with him involved producing drawings and the colour separations for his screen prints.
Now we are in the Digital Age and this has opened up limitless possibilities in terms of creativity i.e. image manipulation and desktop printing etc also it's now possible to access all kinds of information that feed into new ideas and images. With the images I produce I am still following the thread from childhood, Science Fiction, the Future, Modernism, Science Fact and most importantly the impact of Singularity and Artificial Intelligence.”
Books Published through Hekate
Memory of the Future
Originally reprinted by Wright's Automatic Press, Hekate Publishing presents the original epic collaboration between the magical poet Eddie du Montparnasse and the phenomena Coates Walker.
Product Information
Paperback: 41 pages
Publisher: Hekate Publishing (August 11, 2020)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1912017105
ISBN-13: 978-1912017102
Product Dimensions: 6 x 0.1 x 9 inches
Collection One
Hekate's first collection of Coates Walker's brilliant collages. The twenty first century's premier artist of science, love and subversion: "Keith," known for his incredible prolificity, juxtaposes combinations of technological images to produce singular compositions, each a cultural epiphany.
Available in paperback
Product Information
Paperback: 27 pages
Publisher: Hekate Publishing (July 17, 2020)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1912017180
ISBN-13: 978-1912017188
Product Dimensions: 8.2 x 0.1 x 6 inches