
Part One: The Night of the Devil, the Making of a Beast

One night, while the world slept,

The Devil got so enamored by the lights below,

He descended to Earth.

He got so enmeshed in the quagmire of sin,

That he forgot his way home.

Lonely he felt,

He decided to turn this Earth,

Into a place of his own,

A Hell on Earth,

A home away from home!!

Devoured, the epic crime novel of ascendancy, by the late Mrinal Kaushik will be released in four parts . . . In the author’s memory and dedicated to his son Kavir, another writer of exceptional talent.

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A.F. Knott

A. F. Knott has worked as a surveyor in the offshore oil fields, handicapped thoroughbred horseraces, worked as a cyclotron engineer, a doctor and a collage artist before settling down to write full time.